
  • Whistler RV Park and Campground sign

    Calling all nature lovers to British Columbia

    2015 was the year of change. After years of sunbathing and holidays in the sun, my family decided to try a new type of holiday. A Canadian road trip in an RV. From recommendations of friends who had visited the country, we decided to follow suit and explore British Columbia.

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  • Canadian open road

    Adventures in Canada

    I never really considered myself as a thrill-seeker, but in 2015, that all changed. My family and I decided on an intense celebratory holiday in honor of my Mumā€™s birthday. A three week Canadian adventure, exploring BC – Vancouver, Whistler, Jasper.

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  • Chris Healey posing in Havana street

    How Not To Travel To Havana

    In this blog post, Iā€™ll be recalling my experience in Cuba and touching on some lessons that we learned the hard way so that you hopefully donā€™t fall into the same mistakes. It was the summer of 2017 and Iā€™d just finished my 2nd summer working at a camp in Upstate New York. After working at camp, the staff tend to split off and spend time travelling with friends with the money earned over the summer.

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  • Woman selfie

    A Winter Leap of Faith

    2019 was a big year in terms of change and growth, both these can be painful in their own way but is essentially needed in order to develop and grow ourselves. I know what I was needed to do to get to where I wanted to be, not easy but change was necessary, and I felt ready to take on what was to come.

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  • Boat on Lamu beach at sunset

    Lamu Island

    A bright red and blue parrot raced our tiny plane down the runway as we came in to land at Manda Airport while an unconcerned pedestrian ambled by in the opposite direction along the edge of the tarmac.

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  • Man biking in the mountains

    Mountain Biking Adventure

    Mountain biking is an exciting way to explore a new area when on holiday, but it can be as dangerous as it is thrilling. Mountain bikersĀ tend to receive more severe injuriesĀ during accidents than other cyclists.

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  • Elephants drinking water at a watering hole

    How to Travel Safely in Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe is a beautiful country. Despite its touchy political situation and fragile economy, this landlocked jewel in Southern Africa is well worth a visit.

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  • Man taking photo next to York river cruises sign

    Youth Travel Advice – York

    Going out in York. It reaches a point where young people want their independence; they are old enough to look after themselves. This may be true but with age comes experience and wisdom, and this should not be forgotten.

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  • Morocco airport

    Travelling Morocco

    I travelled to Morocco with a friend from college, Rachel, for two weeks. We arranged it through a company and it was made up of around 14 people of all ages, from the UK and Australia.

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  • Vietnam boats cooking

    Streetwise in Vietnam

    At the age of 32 I kinda thought I was really streetwise and at ‘one’ with surroundings! I have lived in various cities around the world and have learnt how to conduct myself as a adult ā€“ or so I thought!

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