Author archive for Advice

  • Advice for parents going abroad with their families

    Travelling with your children can be a daunting experience for parents, especially inexperienced ones. Not only are you responsible for your own safety, but also the safety of others and the risk presented to them. That being said, travelling as a family can be an incredible way to create unique bonds and share in new experiences that you wouldn’t normally be able to do at home.

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  • Cherry blossom flowers in Washington

    Our Washington Travel Guide

    Washington DC. Quite possibly one of the most important and famous cities in America, if not one of the most important and famous in the entire world, is an absolute marvel of a location, with enough history and landmarks to entice anyone to visit. From the Lincoln Memorial, to the Washington Monument and even 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the home of the most powerful man in the world. Any fan of American History, culture or even American Patriotism would get a massive kick out of this.

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  • A train passing through a platform

    What to do if you get stuck on public transport

    Getting stuck somewhere far from home can be anxiety-inducing for even the bravest traveller. It’s a scary thought when you’re on a train halfway round the world and it’s mysteriously delayed or cancelled for hours with little or no explanation. It doesn’t happen very often, but public transport can be unpredictable at the best of times and issues can arise. If an issue does come up, just stay calm and you can get through it easily.

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  • Everything you need to know about the traffic light system

    On the 17th of May 2021, the international travel from the UK began to reopen, with a three-tiered ‘traffic light’ system being put in place to rate the safety of different countries. As you might be able to guess, the system rates countries based on a green, amber and red basis, with green being the most safe and accessible to visit, and red being the most heavily restricted.

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  • passport and boarding pass in bag

    Travel round-up: what’s it been like to travel since things opened up?

    On the 17th of May 2021, international travel to certain destinations became legal again and travellers across the country were allowed to go on holiday again – provided the country they chose to go to was on the green list (see here for more information). This was really exciting news – it was a chance at freedom after being locked up inside for so long. So what’s changed since you last went on holiday? The coronavirus hasn’t gone away, and we’ll talk you through everything you need to know before you board that plane.

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  • two people sat on sun lounger on the beach

    Applying the Knowledge, Awareness and Response Framework to Your Mental Health

    Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation has been working to educate travellers on the importance of travel safety for nearly 20 years. We have been asked many times what the main areas you need to consider are when reducing your risk. In response to that, we have developed the K.A.R safety system.

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  • German village and castle overlooking a lake

    Germany: Being Safe and Having Fun As A Post-Corona Tourist

    With the global vaccination charge getting underway, it will, hopefully, be soon that we can ask ourselves where should we go on holiday? Which country will be the safest? Germany is currently an economic and political powerhouse of Europe, and as such is on track in vaccinating its people as efficiently as possible. Going into lockdown weeks before the UK did, the general understanding is that Germany has been, for the most part, on top of dealing with coronavirus.

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  • Crystal clear Austria waters

    Travel Safety Advice Based on Our Survey Results

    Based off of the responses we got from our recent survey, we wanted to provide you with some of our best advice for areas of travel a lot of people felt unsure about. This guide will cover going through the airport security process, feeling more comfortable flying, who to contact and where to go in an emergency and travelling from the airport to your accommodation.

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  • Woman walking alone on winding rode

    Travelling Solo Safety Advice

    Regardless of the crime landscape in your area, we all have to travel. We have to go to work. We have to go buy food. And, as the pandemic has so keenly highlighted for everyone, we need to see our friends and family somewhat regularly or we’re going to lose it a little bit. This is just how we all live our lives. It shouldn’t be up to us to try to be the least attackable person walking home at 6pm on a Thursday when you should be deciding what to have for tea but this is the world we live in. A predator is going to attack what appears to be the easiest target so you need to make it hard for them.

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  • Angel of the North UK England

    A Local’s Guide to the North East

    Now, given the virus that shall not be named is still about, and it’s still considered quite unsafe to travel abroad, I think its fair to say we all need something to look forward to. However, a week in the sun is not yet on the cards.

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