Psychology Prize 2013
A Level psychology student Holly Coates-McDowall has been awarded the Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation Psychology prize at York College this year. The prize is presented each year in memory of former College student, Caroline Stuttle. Caroline’s mother Marjorie Marks-Stuttle presented 18-year-old Holly with a certificate and a book token.
Holly, a former pupil at Millthorpe School, is also dyslexic and whilst at York College has received learning support for her A Level studies in Psychology, Maths, Religious Studies and Textiles. She is now eagerly awaiting her A Level results and hopes to progress to study a degree in psychology at Newcastle University.
The psychology tutors at York College have been very impressed with her hard work and dedication, saying: “Holly is a great student who has committed fully to her studies and she deserves the recognition this award represents. While many students are happy to simply absorb information given by their tutors, Holly has actively pursued her studies, asking questions when she needed to and never simply accepting there would be areas she did not understand. Her dedication, effort and hard work have been an inspiration to her peers and we are sure she will go on to do very well at university.”

Holly is delighted to be this year’s prize winner, saying: “I was really surprised and excited when I heard I had been chosen. I feel very proud and I’d like to thank the fantastic psychology and learning support tutors for their help over the last two years. Being diagnosed with dyslexia at secondary school has spurred me on to achieve my goals at College and the psychology lessons have been so interesting and enjoyable. The subject blends creativity with theory and I am really looking forward to continuing my psychology at Newcastle University in September.”
Marjorie Marks-Stuttle said: “Just like Holly, my daughter had a love of psychology. I am pleased to be able to present this award on behalf of Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation, which in some small way will enable Holly to pursue a degree in the subject.”