Psychology Prize 2012
Olga Loza, an international student at York College, has been awarded the Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation Psychology prize this year. Olga is Latvian and lives in Ukraine. She came to York College two years ago to study an astounding six A Level subjects: Psychology, English Literature, French, Spanish, Maths and Further Maths, and has been offered a place to study a psychology degree at St Andrews University.

Olga is delighted to be this year’s prize winner. She says: “I am very surprised and excited to be selected for this award. I feel very proud and I also have a sense of responsibility in accepting it. I came to the UK to get a better education and I have very much enjoyed studying at York College.
The tutors have been so supportive and friendly. I have lived with a host family in York which has been very good. In the future, I would like to work in clinical psychology and use my skills to help people. I am looking forward to studying the subject at degree level at St Andrews University in September.”